The Holy Martyr Metropolitan Seraphim’s (Chichagov) Memorial Day

13 December 2019

A video lecture timed to the memorial day of one of the most prominent pastors of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th century, a member of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Seraphim of Petrograd - Leonid Mikhailovich Chichagov (1856–1937) will be held at the Presidential Library in the format of a cultural and educational event on December 13, 2019 at 14:30.

The descendant of a famous noble family, Leonid Chichagov, was a man of outstanding talents and abilities: he knew several languages, was deeply interested in music, painting, literature, history and medicine. He made a brilliant military career, but in 1890, with the rank of colonel, he resigned for everyone, choosing to serve in the Russian Orthodox Church as the main thing of his life.

When tonsuring, Leonid Chichagov was given a new name in honor of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, who became his heavenly patron. Father Seraphim made every effort and talent to serve the Holy Church. He remained faithful to it even after the October Revolution of 1917: he suffered persecution, exile and imprisonment. However, on December 11, 1937, Father Seraphim was executed on charges of "counter-revolutionary monarchist agitation" and in 1997 the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church ranked him as a holy new martyr.

Cultural and educational event in honor of Seraphim (Chichagov) is designed to reveal the multifaceted personality of the clergyman. Guests of the Presidential Library will learn about the main milestones of the life of Vladyka Seraphim, will see his portrait, available in the Temple of the Seven Ecumenical Councils in the historic building of the Holy Synod. The soloists of the Academy of Young Opera Singers and the string quartet of soloists of the State Academic Capella Orchestra will perform the musical works created by Leonid Chichagov, which are included in the collection “Leaflets from the music diary”: “The Secret”, “The Mournful Tale”, “The Soul Suffered”.

The Presidential Library forms electronic collections that are dedicated to the Russian Orthodox Church. In particular, one of them included books illustrating the birth of the Church and its formation, including fundamental works by a pen of significant church figures and church historians.

The collection Orthodox Russia. Monasteries and Icons features materials from the period of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, which spotlight the history of individual Orthodox monasteries located on the territory of our country, and especially revered icons.

The video lecture will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library’s portal, in the official group on the VKontakte social network and on the institution’s YouTube Channel.

Please note that the entrance to the event is carried out only by prior registration and upon showing a passport. The deadline for accepting applications is December 12, 2019 at 12:00.



The accreditation for media representatives is until December 12, 2019 at 12:00.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form with the note “Media accreditation” to the email addresses: Alexandra Khudyakova, tel .: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob. +7 (981) 788-28-08.

The letter should contain the name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers, the name of the media.

Please note that access to the Presidential Library is possible only by prior registration and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance № 1, media representatives go through entrance № 2.