"Architecture of University Education" conference

30 January – 1 February 2020

From January 30 to February 1, 2020, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the Presidential Library invite educational projects and programs specialists to the IV National Scientific and Methodical Conference with International Participation “Architecture of University education: building a single space of knowledge”.

In 2020, the conference is devoted to the following items: building a single space of knowledge; the active involvement of all subjects of the educational process in the development of effective partnerships with implementation of digital technologies; consolidating the role of universities in solving national problems of education.

Key topics of the conference:

Transformation of University Education in the Digital Economy.

Modernization of the architecture of higher education in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. 

- Ensuring the quality of educational activities: innovative approaches and modern challenges.

- Integration of science and education in the formation of a single space of knowledge - Export of educational services and information resources: current forms of international collaborations.

- Leadership in the integration of resources in a single information and educational space: traditions and innovations.

- New formats of activity and digital instruments of subjects in the cultural and educational environment.

* More information is available on the conference website: http://metod-conf-spb.ru.

 All specialists who are interested in the conference are invited to take part in the compilation of the conference collection of reports; publication requirements are available at: http://metod-conf-spb.tilda.ws/text.


 Accreditation for media representatives is until January 29, 2020.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form with the note “Media accreditation” to the email addresses: media@prlib.ruhudjakova@prlib.ru  Alexandra Khudyakova, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob. +7 (981) 788-28-08.

The letter should contain the name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers, name of the media.

We draw the attention of media representatives that it is necessary to forward applications for accreditation and arrive at the event in advance.

The admission to the Presidential Library is possible only by prior registration and upon showing a passport: media representatives go through the entrance № 2; participants and guests of the event go through the entrance № 1.