What should modern schoolchildren read?
March 3, 2020 at 11:00 the Presidential Library will host a video lecture “Teenage literature. What should modern schoolchildren read?” The event is held jointly with the Living Classics Foundation and is timed to coincide with World Writer's Day.
The President of the Living Classics Foundation and the founder of the contest of the same name, Marina Smirnova, will give a lecture on teenage literature.
Workshop of the finalist of the 2011 Young Classics Contest of living readers Vasily Arkhipov with the involvement of the audience (speech training, building-up vocal apparatus, intonation) will be held within the framework of the video lecture. Finalists of the contest will tell about their favorite contemporary authors and read excerpts from Russian fiction.
The children will also be told about the resources of the Presidential Library that will be needed during their studies, including Gosudarika website for schoolchildren. Students of 7–9 grades of St. Petersburg schools are invited to the event.
The event will be broadcasted live on the library’s portal in Live broadcasts section, in the official group on the VKontakte social network and on the institution’s YouTube channel.
Accreditation of media representatives is until 11:00 March 2, 2020.
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