The Presidential Library's Poetry Club to provide "Nikolai Gumilyov Week" online

13 April 2020

A series of virtual meetings "Nikolai Gumilyov Week", dedicated to the poet's birthday will be held from April 13 to 17, 2020 on the official page of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club VKontakte. The event will be attended by the Nikolaev Gymnasium Museum and the Nikolai Gumilyov Museum-Apartment.

Within a week, one can watch video presentations about the life and career of Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov and learn about literary and biographical materials without leaving home. In particular, such important milestones of the biography as the leadership of the Association of the Workshop of Poets, African travels, and participation in the First World War will be highlighted.

An important part of online meetings will be literary soiree. Modern authors will read their poetic dedications to the founder of Acmeism, and musicians and songwriters will present songs based on verses by Gumilyov and his contemporaries.

The first meeting in the framework of the "Nikolai Gumilyov Week" will begin on April 13 at 14.00 Moscow time.