Films about the history of Russia available on the Presidential Library’s portal

8–12 June 2020

The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.

In accordance with the broadcast program, from June 8 to 12, each user has the opportunity to learn more about the history of Russia: the Peter the Great Maritime Code and the military legislation of Peter the Great, about the Great Northern War, its course, results and impact on the history of the state.

The first quarter of the 19th century is spotlighted in the educational film “1825. Reflections on the fate of Russia". It features the premises and causes of the Decembrist uprising, the impact of this event on the development of socio-political thought in Russia.  

Within the framework of the video tour “Disseminate sound and patriotic thoughts” one can visit the exhibition of the same name and learn about the projects of socio-political publications in Russia in the second quarter of the XIX century.

Thanks to the film “The Golden Pantry of Veliky Novgorod”, one can make a virtual trip to the world of the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve. In normal operation, it is only partially open to visitors due to the huge number of unique exhibits and the small amount of time that is given to get to know them. 

On the eve of an important public holiday, Russia Day, the Presidential Library on its portal presents the film “Symbols of Presidential Power”, which tells the story of the creation of the Standard (flag) of the President of the Russian Federation and the Sign of the President of the Russian Federation.

Visitors to the portal of the library are also invited to watch the trilogy “State Symbols of Russia” online. Its first part “Coat of Arms of Russia” is dedicated to the history of the formation of the heraldic sign from Ancient Rus’ to modern Russia; the second part “Flag of Russia” covers the formation of state flags for the period from XIII to XX century; the third part of the “Anthem of Russia” tells of a three hundred year history of the tradition of the performance of hymns. 

The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.

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