The Presidential Library to host online event dedicated to Ivan the Terrible

28 August 2020

Online event "50 Years of Power: Ivan the Terrible", timed to coincide with the 490th anniversary of the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, who was nicknamed "Terrible", will be held on August 28, 2020 at 12:00 Moscow time, within the framework of the "Knowledge of Russia" video lecture. Anton Druzhevsky, the methodologist of the scientific and educational department of the Presidential Library, will tell about the materials of the Presidential Library's collections  devoted to the image of Ivan the Terrible in the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The event is free. The meeting will be held remotely and will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library's portal in the Live broadcasts section in accordance with the event program of live broadcasts, as well as on the institution's YouTube channel.

Ivan the Terrible was born on August 25, 1530 in the family of Grand Duke Vasily ΙΙΙ and Elena Glinskaya. Left early without parental care, he experienced himself what boyar tyranny means. Historians have different opinions on the personality and activities of the first Russian tsar. The successful beginning of the reign - the reform of the "Chosen Rada", the annexation of new territories: Kazan, Astrakhan - was replaced by defeat in the Livonian War, cruel life-guards, death of the eldest son Ivan Ivanovich.

The Presidential Library’s collections contain a lot of materials that spotlight the contradictions of this extraordinary historical personality. The video lecture based on unique documents containing testimonies of contemporaries of Ivan the Terrible, the works of famous historians of the XΙX – XX centuries and works of Russian literature will tell how the image of Ivan the Terrible changed in historical memory.

It is worth noting that interactive lessons and video lectures are regularly held in the Presidential Library, detailed information about which is available on the institution's portal in Multimedia lessons section and Video lecture to school section, where recordings of lectures and opened lessons held in the Presidential Library are presented.