Films and lectures of the Presidential Library spotlight people and events that have increased the glory of Russia

23–27 November 2020

The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours created by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.

In accordance with the broadcast program, on the eve and on the birthday of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, which is celebrated on November 24, users will be able to watch the documentary "Alexander Suvorov Museum-Estate in the village of Konchanskoye". The film highlights the life of the great commander, the history of the Suvorov Memorial House Museum, opened in 1942.

The Presidential Library's portal will also provide broadcasting of the video “Penza residents in the history of Russia. Alexander Suvorov" about the ties of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov with the Penza land, his estates and monuments.

The history of the formation of the borders of the Russian state is inextricably linked with the development of the North. The electronic collection of the Presidential Library "Territory of Russia" provides materials devoted to the history of the development of the Arctic and the Northern Sea: books, memories and travel notes of travelers, scientific works, marine atlases, drawings, fragments of newsreels. The video "Development of the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route" will help to learn more about the collection.

Two naval battles at once, which brought victory to Russia and largely determined the course of its further history, are presented at the video lectures within the framework of the Presidential Library educational project "Knowledge of Russia": "The Battle of Gangut of 1714: the main results of the study and research tasks at the present stage" and "160 years of the Battle of Sinop”.

The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.

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