From the ancient capital of Northern Russia to modern nuclear icebreakers. Films and video lectures available on the Presidential Library’s portal

30 November – 4 December 2020

The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.

In accordance with the broadcast program, on the eve and on the Day of the Lawyer, which is celebrated on December 3, the Presidential Library’s portal provides meeting with an outstanding lawyer Yuri Kirillovich Tolstoy. The video version of the conversation with the scientist, which was recorded on the eve of his 90th birthday, presents not only his life and professional career of one of the founders of modern Russian civil law, but also his reflections on the relationship between the state and the individual, the education of today's lawyers.

In addition, the video lecture “Constitutional Justice in Russia and Abroad” will be broadcasted live within the framework of the educational project of the Presidential Library “Video lecture “Knowledge of Russia”.

The film "Ships of Frozen Seas" on the library's portal will tell about today's training of highly professional personnel for the fleet; about the history of the creation of the icebreaking fleet of Russia from the first Pomorsk koch to the ultra-modern nuclear icebreakers; about the work of several generations of Russian scientists, navigators and shipbuilders;

“The Capital City” is another film that will be screened online. The documentary film dedicated to the emergence of statehood on Russian soil is about archaeological excavations carried out by employees of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of Staraya Ladoga. The film presents the point of view of Anatoly Nikolayevich Kirpichnikov, the chief specialist in the study of the territory of Staraya Ladoga, who recently passed away, that Staraya Ladoga is "the ancient capital of Northern Russia".

Without leaving home, users will be able to visit representatives of modern Vepsians - descendants of the strong and noticeable in antiquity tribe “Ves’”, to learn about their traditions and way of life. This will be possible thanks to the broadcast of the film "Bobrozero", prepared by the specialists of the Presidential Library.

The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.

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