The Presidential Library to host the second lecture from the cycle dedicated to the life and oeuvre of Sergei Yesenin

18 December 2020

The video lecture on the subject "Sergei Yesenin in the Russian-German Cultural Dialogue" as part of the Knowledge of Russia project will be held on December 18, 2020 at 12:00 Moscow time at the Presidential Library. This is the second of three lectures in a cycle dedicated to the life and oeuvre of Sergei Yesenin (1895-1925) and timed to coincide with the 125th anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous poets of the Silver Age.

The event has been organized jointly with the Ryazan Regional Center of the Presidential Library. The partners are the Gorky Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library and the Yesenin Ryazan State University.

Joining the video lecture is free. The meeting will be held remotely and will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library's portal in Live broadcasts section in accordance with the program of live events, on the institution's YouTube channel, as well as on the page on the VKontakte social network.

Sergei Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895. He lived only 30 years, but managed to make a huge contribution to the development of Russian poetry and became famous all over the world for his extraordinary talent.

Olga Voronova, a member of the Commission on Culture of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of Ryazan Region, head of the Yesenin Scientific Center, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Yesenin Ryazan State University, editor-in-chief of the magazines Sovremennoye Yeseninovedenie and Yeseninsky Vestnik, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia will address the audience. She will tell you how the traditions of prominent German writers, including Johann Peter Goebel, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Heinrich Heine, were reflected in the work of Sergei Yesenin. Viewers of the video lecture will also learn about the history of translations of Sergei Yesenin's works into German and the perception of his work in Germany.

A cycle of three lectures dedicated to the life and oeuvre of Sergei Yesenin was launched in the Presidential Library on October 1. The first educational event was dedicated to the poet's journey with Isadora Duncan across Europe and the USA. The lecture cycle will be completed by the final meeting "Sergei Yesenin and the American Literary Tradition".

One of the main areas of activity of the Presidential Library is the digital preservation of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood. The institution's electronic repository today is about a million depository items. The video recording the this cycle of lecture will also enter the Presidential Library’s collections.

The institution’s portal features new electronic collection dedicated to Sergei Yesenin. It includes digital copies of archival documents, books, periodicals, visual materials, video films. In particular, the letters of the poet's last wife, Sophia Yesenina-Tolstaya, which contain information about the Yesenins' honeymoon and family life, a photograph of 1918 by “S. Yesenin speaks at the opening of the monument to A. Koltsov”, video films of the Presidential Library about the life and oeuvre of the poet and other materials.

Accreditation for media representatives is until 16:00, December 16, 2020.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form marked “Media Accreditation” to the following e-mail addresses:, Kristina Titunina, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 781; mob. +7 (999) 218-05-98.

The letter should indicate the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact phone numbers, the name of the media.

We draw the attention of the media representatives that it is necessary to forward applications for accreditation and arrive at the event in advance.

Entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only by prior registration and upon showing a passport: for media representatives - through entrance № 2, participants and guests of the event - through entrance № 1.

In order to avoid the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the use of personal protective equipment while in the institution is mandatory!