Videoconference dedicated to Alexander Nevsky to unite regions of Russia

29 April 2021

April 29, 2021 at 10:30 Moscow time the Presidential Library and the Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library will hold an interregional videoconference "Alexander Nevsky: a statesman in the perspective of a historical document", dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the birth of the holy noble prince.

The purpose of the Interregional Conference is to search for modern ways to actualize the interest of the younger generations in national history, to educate spirituality, morality, patriotism and citizenship based on historical examples of serving the Fatherland.

As part of the videoconference, speakers from Volgograd, St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Novosibirsk, Tambov, Khanty-Mansiysk and Chelyabinsk will present the main milestones in the state activities of Alexander Nevsky, talk about the trends in his foreign and domestic policy, as well as the significance and role of the prince's activities for the Russian Orthodox Church.

Particular attention will be paid to the personality of Alexander Nevsky in historiography, as well as to the representation of his image in literature, culture and fine arts of various time periods.

Videoconference participants who connect to the event remotely will be able to “leaf through” the virtual pages of the unique historical publication “The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, recall the exploits of the holy prince and the most significant stages of his life.

Students of educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education, teachers, representatives of government and public organizations, employees of cultural and educational institutions are invited to participate in the videoconference.

The videoconference program is available on the website of the Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library by reference.

Regarding participation in the event please contact the Deputy Director of the Gorky Volgograd Library Lyudmila Alexandrovna Ulyeva by phone: +7 (8442) 33-20-23 or by e-mail


Accreditation of media representatives is until 11:00 April 28, 2021.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form marked “Media Accreditation” to the following e-mail addresses: Alexandra Khudyakova, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob. +7 (981) 788-28-08.

The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact phone numbers, the name of the media.

We draw the attention of the media representatives that it is necessary to forward applications for accreditation and arrive at the event in advance.

Entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only by prior registration and upon showing a passport: for media representatives - through entrance № 2, participants and guests of the event - through entrance № 1.

In order to reduce the risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the use of personal protective equipment during the event is mandatory for all attendees.