The Presidential Library to host film screening about the Grand Kremlin Palace
On the eve of Russia Day, June 10, 2021, at 14:00, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation will host film screening The State Residence of the President of Russia. The Grand Kremlin Palace. The documentary has been created with the support of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Press Service and Information of the President of the Russian Federation as well as the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
The film tells about the Grand Kremlin Palace as a unique monument of architecture and history of Russia. The palace complex has been created over several centuries. Thanks to its construction the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin was finally formed. The Grand Imperial Palace, today known as the Grand Kremlin Palace, served as the main Moscow imperial residence. Here the Russian autocrats were coronated, they met distinguished guests and organized ceremonial receptions.
Today, the Grand Kremlin Palace is the ceremonial residence of the head of state, where the inauguration ceremonies of the President of the Russian Federation, the presentation of state awards, important negotiations, meetings, conferences and solemn events take place.
The attendees will see five ceremonial order halls - Andreevsky (Tronny), Alexandrovsky, Georgievsky, Vladimirsky and Catherine's, as well as the Terem Palace, the Faceted Chamber and that part of the palace that cannot be reached with a guided tour.
Representatives of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, authorities of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, journalists of federal and regional mass media are planning to take part in the premiere film screening at the Presidential Library.
Representatives of the media will be able to communicate with the filmmakers at the event. Journalists' questions will be answered by the author of the film's literary script, head of the Department of Russian History of the XX-XXI Centuries of the History Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sergei Devyatov; production director, specialist of the Presidential Library Nikolai Raitsev; Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Chernyak; music editor of the film Vasily Zvariichuk.
The film The State Residence of the President of Russia. The Grand Kremlin Palace was created within the framework of the Presidential Chronicle project, which has been implemented since 2014. Among the main objectives of the project is to highlight the constitutional powers of the President of the Russian Federation and reflect the daily work of the head of state.
The documentaries Symbols of Presidential Power (2015), Personal Library of the President of the Russian Federation (2015), I Appeal to the President (2016), Archive of the President of the Russian Federation (2017) are available in the collections and on the Presidential Library’s portal as part of the Presidential Chronicle.
Accreditation of media representatives is until 12:00 June 9, 2021.
Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form marked “Media Accreditation” to the following e-mail addresses: media@prlib.ru, titunina@prlib.ru Kristina Titunina, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 781; mob. +7 (999) 218-05-98.
The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact phone numbers, the name of the media.
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In order to reduce the risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the use of personal protective equipment during the event is mandatory for all attendees.