Video materials about the Great Patriotic War available on the Presidential Library’s portal
The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.
In accordance with the broadcast program, from June 21-25, each user has the opportunity to learn more about the Great Patriotic War.
Thus, the screening of the film “Moscow - Berlin. Tomorrow is War” on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War will allow feeling the pre-war atmosphere that reigned in the USSR and Germany, which were on the verge of the largest catastrophe of the 20th century.
The Presidential Library also provides watching documentaries of its own production. The video film "Victory is one for Everyone" tells about the invaluable contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War of all sixteen socialist republics that were part of the USSR, about the united struggle of peoples against fascism; photographs of monuments, military memorial cemeteries, obelisks dedicated to the Victory are shown.
The film "With Prayer for the Fallen" tells about the memorial church of the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, which is dedicated to those who died and disappeared during the defenсe of Leningrad from the German invaders. The parish of the church is actively involved in perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of Leningrad: the Museum of Military Glory "DOT" has been created, a memorial park has been laid out around the church. The film also touches on the moral aspects. So, the rector of the church, Archpriest Mikhail Strelnikov, expresses his opinion: what is the meaning of losses and why terrible wars occur.
The documentary "Library Front 1941-1945", created by the Presidential Library in cooperation with the Library Assembly of Eurasia, is dedicated to the contribution of the USSR libraries to the victory over fascism. The film shows the activities of republican libraries (today - national libraries of the CIS countries) in the period from 1941 to 1945 in the occupied territories, on the front line, in the rear. The documentary is based on diaries, letters, telegrams, memoirs of eyewitnesses and participants who worked in libraries in 1941-1945.
The webinar of the Presidential Library "June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow" will provide an overview of materials from the Presidential Library’s collections - historical research, periodicals, archival documents, texts of poems and songs, as well as visual materials: maps, postcards and photographs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Particular attention is paid to materials about the defence and siege of Leningrad.
Users who are close to sports topics will be able to remotely join the video lecture “The founder of national football, Georges Duperron”.
The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.
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