Foreign students are able to test their knowledge of the Russian language at the Presidential Library

1 October 2021 – 1 April 2022

Starting October 1, 2021 the Presidential Library hosts the annual interactive Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World on the subject Russian as a Foreign Language. Foreign citizens studying Russian language are invited to participate: schoolchildren from 14 years old and university students. They have to register on the website

The final stage will take place from March 28 to April 1, 2022 in full-time form at the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, its Reserve Center in Moscow and a branch in Tyumen, as well as at foreign sites. The tasks of the qualifying stage of the Olympiad involve three levels of assessment of Russian language proficiency: elementary level (A1), basic level (A2), first certification level (B1).

The interactive Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World on the subject Russian as a Foreign Language was introduced in the 2019/2020 academic year. During the existence of the educational project, about three thousand people from 56 countries have tested their knowledge of Russian as a foreign language, including England, France, Germany, Greece, Belarus, China, India, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, USA and others.

Detailed information about the participation in the Olympiad is available on the website It is also possible to contact the scientific and educational department of the Presidential Library: (812) 305-16-51,