The Presidential Library’s films and lectures to mark Defender’s Day

21–25 February 2022

The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.

In accordance with the broadcast program, on the eve and on Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23, a video film “Victory for All is One”, telling about the invaluable contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War of all sixteen socialist republics that were part of the USSR, about united struggle of the peoples of the USSR against fascism, will be shown.

Marking the holiday, the users will also see a video version of the meeting with the honorary citizen of St. Petersburg Mikhail Mikhailovich Bobrov, which took place in 2017 as part of the educational project of the Presidential Library video lecture Knowledge of Russia . At this meeting, Mikhail Mikhailovich spoke about how during the Great Patriotic War he was a scout, and participated in masking the high-rise dominants of Leningrad - St. Isaac's, Peter and Paul, St. Nicholas Cathedrals, the Admiralty, the Engineer's Castle. After evacuation from the besieged city, Mikhail Mikhailovich fought in the passes of the Caucasus with the troops of the elite German mountain rifle division "Edelweiss" as a senior instructor of military mountaineering of the 105th separate mountain rifle detachment.

The theme of defending the Fatherland will be continued by the screening of the new film of the Presidential Library "Sea cadets from the island of Valaam". In 1940, on the island of Valaam, a school for naval boatswains was created, where there was a company in which teenagers aged 15–17 were recruited. This is how the first sea cadet company in the history of the USSR appeared. Sea cadets took part in the battles on the bridgehead "Nevsky Piglet" and the defence of the crossing over Ladoga along the Road of Life in 1941-1942. The film names the heroes and tells about their feat.

Marking the International Mother Language Day, which is traditionally celebrated on February 21, the library’s portal will display video films “Word – Meaning. Culture = Cultura" and ""Foreign Words" in Pushkin's Poetry". The first film tells about the history of the alphabet and writing. Particular attention is paid to revealing the meaning and history of the emergence of such phraseological units as "get to the handle", "beat the thumbs", "hack on the nose", "stay with the nose", "contribute" and others.

The second video film, dedicated to foreign borrowings in the Russian language, tells about how the modern Russian language was formed and what role Pushkin played in this. The film is based on rare publications and documents kept in the Presidential Library and will be of interest to anyone interested in the history of the Russian language.

Also, users of the Presidential Library’s portal will be able, without leaving their homes, to visit the famous Krassin icebreaker, learn about its history, working days and exploits, visit the exhibition prepared jointly by the Presidential Library and the Krassin Icebreaker Museum for the centennial anniversary of the vessel. The film “Icebreaker Krassin” tells about its centenary in the history of Russia.

The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.

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