Films and video lectures available online at the Presidential Library

14–18 March 2022

The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.

In accordance with the program of online broadcasts, on the eve and March 14, on the Day of the Orthodox Book, as part of the educational project of the Presidential Library’s video lecture Knowledge of Russia the lectures "About the history of Cyril and Methodius writing in Russia" and "450 Years of the Book of Powers" will be shown on the institution's portal.

Also, as part of this educational project, visitors to the portal will be able to learn about the lecture “Was there a NEP in the Russian outback? Difficult way out of the civil war in the Urals in the early 1920s”.

On March 18 - the date of the first man's spacewalk in 1965 - the screening of the newsreel-documentary film "Ascension", dedicated to the moral issues of mankind's exploration of extraterrestrial space, will be shown. The video film is based on materials from the collections of the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents and the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Without leaving home it is now possible to visit the exhibition "From the History of Constitutionalism in Russia: Projects and Constitutions of the 18th-20th Centuries", which was opened at the Presidential Library.

It will also be possible to watch a video recording of the informational and methodological webinar "Theatre in Russia". A review of sources about the Russian theater in the Presidential Library’s collections includes historical essays, scientific works by historians and theater critics, archival files from the collection of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, theater repertoires of different years, theater magazines, as well as video lectures by cultural figures, photographs of artists, scenery and theater buildings. The webinar also features the history of the creation of the St. Petersburg State Theater Library and materials from its collections.

The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.

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