Exhibition at the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library portrayed famous architect Ivan Kuznetsov

25 May – 26 June 2022

May 25-26, 2022 the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library (Moscow, Slavyanskaya Square, 4, building 1) will host the exhibition "Moscow Architect Ivan Kuznetsov".

The place for the exposition was not chosen by chance - it was Kuznetsov who was the author of the Delovoy Dvor building and the hotel on Slavyanskaya Square in Moscow, which houses the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library today.

Ivan Kuznetsov (1867–1942) is a representative of a generation of Moscow architects whose work significantly enriched the architectural appearance of the capital. He managed to find his own individual style and for half a century of design and construction activities he created a number of notable works. The master's work covered almost the entire range of stylistic trends of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, from modern and neo-Russian style to classics. For many years of creative activity, Kuznetsov has created architectural structures for various purposes: mansions and tenement houses, educational institutions and administrative buildings, factories and churches.

The exhibition, organized by the Presidential Library and the Elektrostal Museum and Exhibition Center, features photographic documents and copies of unique pre-revolutionary photographs from the family archive of Ivan Kuznetsov, photocopies of pre-revolutionary and Soviet buildings of the architect.

The exhibition is available to all visitors of the electronic reading room in the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library as well as to employees of organizations located in the building at Slavyanskaya Square, 4, building 1.

The exhibition is free upon showing a passport.

The exhibition is available during the working days from 9.00 to 17.00.

Contact person: Elena Fedorovna Popova.

tel. (495) 620-80-99.