The Presidential Library to tell about the first Soviet comics

5 July 2022

On July 5, 2022 at 12:00 Moscow time the Presidential Library will host a video lecture entitled "The First Soviet Comics" as part of the cultural and educational project Knowledge of Russia. The event, organized by the Presidential Library and the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Belgrade, will complete the cycle of three lectures "Russian comics".

Russian and Serbian literary critic, translator, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Belgrade University Irina Antanasievich will tell about the continuity of pre-revolutionary and Soviet comics. Listeners will find out who the founder of this genre is and why he did not settle down in the national popular culture. The Soviet children's magazines will be also spotlighted.

Irina Antanasievich has been studying the history and poetics of Russian comics for many years, studying the symbolic space of the culture of Russia and the Balkan states. She is the author of books on this topic. The electronic collections of the Presidential Library present two of her works: Russian Classics in Pictures (2015) and Russian Comics of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (2018). In 2021, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Irina Antanasievich was awarded the Pushkin Medal for her great contribution to the promotion of the Russian language and Russian culture in Serbia.

The information partner of the event is the social network VKontakte.

The video lecture is free. The meeting will be broadcast exclusively in the official group of the Presidential Library VKontakte and on the library's portal in Live broadcasts.

The first lecture of the series "Russian comics" took place on May 26 and was devoted to the history of the development of this genre of art in our country. Irina Antanasievich told what comics have in common with caricature and popular prints, advertising and propaganda posters, and also what unites Russian and European comics.

The second lecture, on June 8, was devoted to the phenomenon of "Russian comics" created in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia by Russian emigrants of the first wave. It was also about the influence of this genre on the development of European art.

Video recordings of the events are available on the page of the Presidential Library in the social network VKontakte.