The Presidential Library provides Geographical Dictation

30 October 2022

October 30, 2022 the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, will for the first time act as one of the venues for the annual international educational campaign Geographical Dictation. The organizer of the event is the All-Russian public organization "Russian Geographical Society". The platform of the Presidential Library will be available in a remote format.

The geographical dictation has been held since 2015 at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society Vladimir Putin. The main goal of the international educational campaign is to popularize geographical knowledge and increase interest in the geography of Russia.

By tradition, the event will be held in all regions of the Russian Federation and abroad. The geographical dictation will be composed in four versions, each of which will include 40 questions divided into two parts. The first part of the basic level includes 10 questions and is based on well-known facts from geography. The second part consists of 30 questions and will require imaginative thinking, logic and erudition.

In just seven years of the project's existence, more than 2.4 million people from 122 countries of the world have become its participants. In 2021, the campaign also took place at the two Russian Antarctic stations Progress and Mirny, and since 2018 it has been held at the International Space Station.

In order to join the Geographical Dictation at the remote site of the Presidential Library it is necessary to register before October 25, 2022 by e-mail To participate it is necessary to forward last name, first name, patronymic in full and a contact email address by mail. For more information please call (812) 305-16-21, ext. 258. The coordinates of other sites for the Geographical Dictation are available on the official website of the project at

The Presidential Library, which has the status of the National Library of Russia, is a nationwide electronic repository of digital copies of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, the Russian language, as well as a multimedia, multifunctional, cultural, educational, scientific, information and analytical center.