Films and video lectures illustrate the heroes of the Fatherland on the Presidential Library’s portal

6–10 February 2023

The films and video lectures prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as the country's leading film studios, are now broadcast around the clock on the Presidential Library’s portal.

In accordance with the broadcast schedule from February 6-10 the film directed by Pavel Soldatenkov "The Eternal Time of Alexander Nevsky" will be shown. The prince was only 20 years old when he won the battle with the Swedes on the Neva. Are his feats, his life, his personality close to twenty-year-old young people of today? The filmmakers - film university students - themselves become heroes and participants in the filming and seek answers to these questions from historians, archaeologists, the military, clergy, students of various educational institutions - their peers.

The documentary film "Space Pilots", which will also be shown on the Presidential Library’s portal, reveals some pages of the history of astronautics, tells about the fate of its unknown heroes - academician V. A. Ponomarenko, variety artist D. I. Gridunov, doctor-researcher A. Z Mnatsakanyan. From the film, based on unique video footage filmed during secret tests at the Research Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, viewers will learn how they live, what veteran space testers remember and dream about.

The “space” theme will be continued by the screening of the newsreel-documentary film “Ascension”, dedicated to the moral analysis of human space exploration. The film uses materials from the funds of the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents and the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In accordance with the online broadcast program, the documentary film "Marshal of Victory Govorov" dedicated to the hero of the Soviet Union, who was often called "our Leningrad Marshal", will be shown. From June 1942 until the end of the war, Mikhail Alexandrovich Govorov was the commander of the troops of the Leningrad Front, led operations to break through, and then to completely lift the blockade of Leningrad. This legendary man participated in the Civil, Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars, having gone from a junior officer of a mortar battery to a marshal of the Soviet Union. The filming of the film directed by Vyacheslav Serkez took place in places associated with the life of Govorov. The filmmakers visited the homeland of Mikhail Aleksandovich - in the village of Butyrki, Kirov Region, met with people who keep the memory of the marshal in Yelabuga, Simferopol, Vyborg, Moscow and other cities.

In addition, portal users will be able to learn about the history of the building of the Holy Synod on Senate Square, 3 which houses the Presidential Library, with the main directions of its activities as a nationwide electronic repository of digital copies of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood and the Russian language, as well as cultural educational, scientific, educational and information-analytical center, to see the products of the publishing and printing complex. This is described in the film of the Presidential Library "Senatskaya, 3".

Especially for students the Presidential Library’s portal features a number of video lectures, the topics of which reveal and complement the school curriculum - “Vladimir Monomakh” and “Russian Law in the era of Vladimir Monomakh” (for pupils of grade 6), “How the Russian people overcame the Time of Troubles: marking 400th anniversary of the election of Mikhail Romanov" (grade 7), "255 years of the beginning of the reign of Catherine II", "The Russian army in the reign of Catherine II" (grade 8), "The Eastern question in the politics of Nicholas I", "Activities of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin as Chairman of the Council ministers” (grade 9). The video lecture Knowledge of Russia spotlights the main directions in the formation of the Presidential Library's collections: the history of the Russian state and law, the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. Lectures to the audience are traditionally given by authoritative specialists from scientific and educational institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

Films and video lectures are broadcast on the Presidential Library’s portal in the TV Channel section. The broadcast schedule, which is updated weekly, is available here. Please note that the Live Broadcasts section provides the library's events with their program available.

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