Unique newsreels, poems of the sixties and historical video lectures available on the Presidential Library’s TV channel

1–14 April 2023

The Presidential Library’s portal broadcasts films and video lectures prepared by the library, as well as video films by leading domestic film and TV studios. Their display is timed to memorable and significant dates as well as major events in the Presidential Library. Here are the most striking film screenings of the first half of April.

The year 2023 in our country, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, is dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the brilliant pianist, composer and conductor Sergei Rachmaninoff. He was born on April 1, 1873, but where exactly - opinions about this differ in various sources. Both Novgorod and Tambov Region are called the composer's birthplace. The video lecture of the famous local historian Valery Demidov “Where was Sergei Rachmaninoff born?” will help to understand this issue.

The name of the great Russian prince and commander Alexander Nevsky acquired national significance under the first emperor of all Russia, Peter the Great. St. Petersburg was consecrated by the transfer of the holy relics of the noble prince from Vladimir. The film of the Presidential Library "Alexander Nevsky - the Patron Saint of St. Petersburg" features several key points on the city map associated with the name of the patron saint of the Northern capital: the Cathedral of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, the State Hermitage Museum and, of course, the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra, 210 years since the founding of which is celebrated on April 5.

Marking April 7, the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, one of the main holidays in Christianity, there will be shown films on the Presidential Library’s portal about the salvation of the murals of ancient temples, their significance in the history of the country and the emergence of Russian statehood. The documentary “The Saved Frescoes of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God of the Novgorod Antoniev Monastery”, prepared by the film group of the Presidential Library, tells about the Antoniev Monastery, one of the centers of the spiritual life of Russia, a masterpiece of world art of the 12th century. Documentary information about the life of the founder of the monastery, St. Anthony the Roman, and the frescoes themselves, which have come down to our time, provide an opportunity to fully study the history of this period, to touch high art.

Filming of another film of the Presidential Library - "The Saved Frescoes of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin of the Ferapontov Monastery" - took place in Vologda Region. The cathedral is famous for the frescoes of the successor of the traditions of Andrei Rublev, the main icon painter of the XV-XVI centuries Dionysius. This is the only original painting preserved in Russia. The film tells about the restoration of the monument and about the discoveries that were made during the restoration work.

The documentary "New Russian Traces in Dresden", dedicated to the stay in Dresden of famous figures of Russian culture in the 1990s-2000s, contains reports on visits to the German-Russian Cultural Institute and performances in it by Evgeny Yevtushenko, Bulat Okudzhava, Anatoly Pristavkin, Daniil Granin and Bella Akhmadulina, whose 86th birthday is celebrated on April 10.

Marking April 12, the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics, the Presidential Library’s portal shows fragments of a unique newsreel depicting Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in various everyday situations, as well as minutes before the launch of Yuri Gagarin aboard the Vostok-1 spacecraft.

The video recording of the informational and methodological webinar about Nikolai Przhevalsky, whose birthday also falls on April 12, introduces various documents - monographs, dissertations and archival materials dedicated to the research of Przhevalsky and other geographers and travelers in Central Asia.

At the online video lectures on the Presidential Library’s portal, one has an opportunity to learn about learn little-known facts about the life and career of Pyotr Stolypin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire, about the beginning of railway construction in our country, understand the etiquette and culture of business communication, learn about the collection of ancient Russian paintings of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve, find out what is better to read to children, what literature is intended for schoolchildren.

Especially for students, the Presidential Library’s portal broadcasts video lectures, the topics of which enter the school curriculum. The subject of the video lecture Knowledge of Russia spotlights the main directions in the formation of the Presidential Library's collections: the history of the Russian state and law, the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. Lectures to the audience are traditionally given by authoritative specialists from scientific and educational institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

Films and video lectures are broadcast on the Presidential Library’s portal in the TV Channel section. The broadcast schedule, which is updated weekly, is available here. Please note that the Live Broadcasts section provides the library's events with the program included.

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