The Presidential Library and the online encyclopedia Ruwiki to sign a cooperation agreement
Agreement with the online encyclopedia Ruwiki will be signed on October 3, 2023 at 9:30 within the framework of the International Conference of Librarians of the CIS Countries “Cultural Diversity of the Commonwealth: Library Initiatives”, which is held at the Presidential Library.
The document will be signed by Director General of the Presidential Library, Yuri Nosov, and Director General of the online encyclopedia Ruwiki organization, Vladimir Medeyko.
Long-term partnerships between organizations will expand the knowledge of Internet users in the field of history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, as well as the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation by providing readers of the online encyclopedia Ruwiki with access to electronic copies of documents from the Presidential Library’s collections. Such work will help to preserve historical memory and counter the falsification of history.
The Presidential Library's collections digitally contain books and periodicals, newsreels, photographs, scientific and educational films, abstracts of dissertations, archival documents and materials that spotlight the history of Russia, economic and diplomatic relations between Russia and other countries in different historical periods.
The volume of the electronic collections of the Presidential Library is more than a million depository items. Among the unique publications are the Laurentian Chronicle, the Ostromir Gospel, the Civil ABC with moral teachings (with notes from Peter I), the General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire, begun in 1797, and other documents.
The library's collections are in demand by society. The Presidential Library has become the only library which resources are available in new textbooks on Russian history and world history for senior pupils. Of all the Internet links in textbooks, more than 15% of QR-codes lead to the collections of the Presidential Library, which contain more than 15 thousand documents and materials on the history of Russia.
Brief information about the Presidential Library:
The Presidential Library is under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and is the first electronic national library of Russia.
The library is located in the center of St. Petersburg, in the historical building of the Holy Synod, built in the second quarter of the 19th century according to the design of the outstanding architect Carlo Rossi, and is the largest multifunctional information, scientific, educational, cultural and educational center.
The status and equipment of the Presidential Library make it possible to regularly hold events of various levels and formats - official meetings of government and public figures of Russia and foreign countries, forums, conferences, round tables, concerts, film screenings, presentations, exhibitions and others.
Full access to the Presidential Library’s collections is provided in the electronic reading room located at Senate Square, 3, structural divisions of the library in Moscow and Tyumen, as well as in more than 1,500 centers for remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library, opened in the Russian Federation and abroad. abroad. One has an opportunity to learn about the Presidential Library’s collections, individual documents and materials, as well as the activities of the institution on the portal www.prlib.ru, президентскаябиблиотека.рф.
Brief information about the online encyclopedia Ruwiki:
Ruwiki is a new open online encyclopedia. The platform brings together experts and ordinary users: anyone can become the author of Ruwiki, but only professionals act as guarantors of verification of materials. The main values of the site is convenience, openness, neutrality, reliability of information. The project is intended to become a part of every person’s daily life in drawing up a basic qualitative idea of any subject without fear of encountering an error. The platform plans for regular updates that will include innovative technological solutions, including interaction with artificial intelligence.
Accreditation of media representatives is until 12:00 October 2, 2023
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The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact phone numbers, the name of the media.
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