The Presidential Library and Sevmash: the first step towards interaction
On January 22, 2024 at 13:30 a cooperation agreement between the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, and the joint-stock company Production Association Northern Machine-Building Enterprise (Sevmash) will be signed at the Presidential Library. The document will be signed by Director General of the Presidential Library, Yuri Nosov, and Director General of Sevmash, Mikhail Budnichenko.
Cooperation between organizations will be aimed at preserving and popularizing the historical, cultural, scientific heritage of Russia, including the history of Russian statehood, civil shipbuilding and military shipbuilding.
The agreement will organize and conduct joint exhibitions, workshops, forums, symposiums, scientific and practical conferences and other educational and cultural events using materials from the Presidential Library’s collections.
Cooperation between institutions involves the exchange of information resources, the formation and replenishment of electronic collections of organizations, and the preparation of specialized digital collections on the topics of joint events.
On the territory of Sevmash it is planned to open a remote access center to the electronic collections of the Presidential Library, which currently number more than a million depository items. In digital form, the collections contain books and periodicals, newsreels, photographs, scientific and educational films, abstracts of dissertations, archival documents and materials covering the history of Russia, economic and diplomatic relations between Russia and other countries in different historical periods”,
After signing the cooperation agreement, the Presidential Library will host the grand opening of two exhibitions dedicated to the Russian Navy. The event is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the formation of the Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF). The institution will celebrate its anniversary on January 28, 2024. One of the exhibitions in the halls of the Presidential Library is dedicated to the largest institution preserving the most important documents on the history of the Russian fleet from its creation at the end of the 17th century until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Another exhibition will tell about the outstanding Russian sailor, scientist, shipbuilder, hero of the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Japanese wars, Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov, whose birthday will be 175 years old in 2024.
Reference Information:
The Presidential Library, having the status of the national library of Russia, is a national electronic repository of digital copies of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood and the Russian language, as well as a multimedia cultural, educational, scientific, information and analytical center. To date, more than 1,600 remote access centers to the resources of the Presidential Library have been opened in Russia and abroad.
Sevmash is one of the largest shipbuilding complexes in Russia (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation), a dynamically developing shipyard that successfully combines many years of shipbuilding experience and a modern approach to production. This is the only enterprise in Russia for the production of nuclear submarines. The enterprise's capacity and the experience of its workforce make it possible to implement high-tech and knowledge-intensive projects: from the production of transport and packaging containers for spent nuclear fuel to the creation of modern nuclear submarines and marine engineering structures.
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