The Presidential Library's contest “The Future of the Fatherland in the Hands of a Teacher”
From April 1 to November 5, 2024, the Presidential Library is holding a contest of pedagogical projects “The Future of the Fatherland in the Hands of a Teacher”, organized with the support of the State University of Education. Teachers of educational organizations of the Russian Federation, educators of general education organizations and specialists of information and library centers who carry out educational and educational activities based on their institutions are invited to participate.
The contest is supported by the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the online publication Uchitelskaya Gazeta.
The contest is aimed at identifying successful pedagogical practices and revealing the capabilities of the Presidential Library’s electronic collections for use in the educational and educational process.
Main objectives of the Contest:
– dissemination of knowledge on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, on issues of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;
– use of the electronic collections of the Presidential Library in educational activities;
– creating conditions for the disclosure of creative abilities and self-realization of teachers of institutions of basic general, secondary general and secondary vocational education and specialists of information and library centers.
One of the main conditions for participation in the contest is the mandatory use during the lesson of at least two library and/or archival materials from the electronic collections of the Presidential Library (the use of dissertation abstracts is not allowed).
Currently, the library's collections include more than a million depository items. They are book publications, archival documents, periodicals, photo, audio and video materials in various disciplines, including Russian history, social studies, Russian language, literature, geography and other areas.
Teachers of educational organizations of the Russian Federation, educators of general education organizations and specialists of information and library centers who carry out educational and educational activities based on their institutions are invited to participate in the contest. Participants must have at least one year of work experience. The number of participants from one organization is not limited, but collective participation is not provided - each project must be completed by one author. Participation in the contest is free. Detailed conditions are set out in the Regulations on the contest of pedagogical projects.
Projects will be evaluated in seven categories: “Best Russian language lesson”, “Best literature lesson”, “Best history lesson”, “Best social studies lesson”, “Best geography lesson”, “Best lesson in the fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”, "The best educational event".
Contest participants can submit no more than one work in each category.
The contest is held in three stages:
– qualifying stage – from April 1 to August 5 (registration of participants, acceptance of contest projects in electronic form, selection of no more than 10 best projects in each nomination);
– semi-finals – from September 9 to 30 (selection of three finalists in each nomination);
– final – from October 7 to November 5, 2024 (reception of video recordings of testing of competitive projects and determination of winners).
The necessary documents for participation in the qualifying stage of the Contest are uploaded through the electronic registration system on the Presidential Library's portal pedkonkurs.prlib.ru. Materials for participation in the finals of the Contest are also sent to the email address pedkonkurs.prlib.ru.
Requirements for the structure and design of projects submitted to the Contest are specified in the Regulations.
In each category one winner and up to two runners-up are determined.
The results of each stage, as well as current information about the contest, will be published on the Presidential Library's portal pedkonkurs.prlib.ru.
The winners of the Contest are based on the results of the final stage. If two or more participants have the same number of points for the final stage, the winner is determined by the total amount of points scored for all stages of the Contest.
When evaluating contest works, among other criteria, the validity of the choice of Presidential Library's resources and the completeness of their use will be taken into account.
The winners in each of the Contest nominations will be invited to the Presidential Library for the award ceremony, which will take place in December 2024. They will receive diplomas and the right to post their methodological development on the Presidential Library's portal in the project “Presidential Library for Teachers: Teaching Using Primary Sources”.
In 2024, the Presidential Library is holding a Contest for teachers for the second time. In 2023, more than 750 works from educational institutions and information and library centers from all regions of the Russian Federation were submitted to the Contest.