Solemn event dedicated to fisheries and oceanography

23 October 2024

On October 23, 2024, at 11:00, the Presidential Library will host a special event dedicated to commemorate the 110th anniversary of GosNIORH, formerly known as the L. S. Berg GosNIORH (currently the St. Petersburg branch of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO).

Representatives from the Federal Agency for Fisheries Agency of Russia, the State Scientific Research Center of the Russian Federation VNIRO, and other regional branches, as well as the government of Leningrad region, will be in attendance.

The event will include the presentation of departmental awards to distinguished fisheries professionals from the Federal Agency for Fisheries Agency and the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation VNIRO.

Also, as part of the anniversary celebrations, we will be hosting an international scientific and practical conference on Fisheries Science: History, Modernity, Prospects.

The electronic collection State Regulation of Water Resources is available on the Presidential Library's portal. This collection includes pre-revolutionary and Soviet research on fish farming, as well as collections of legislative acts and archival materials that regulate the use of aquatic biological resources in Russia since the 17th century to the present day. The collection also includes visual materials such as postcards, photographs, and posters that illustrate individual stories from the history of Russian fisheries.

For reference

The State Scientific Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries (GosNIORH) originated from a laboratory of fishery specialists, established in the autumn of 1914 within the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property of the Russian Empire.

From the beginning of its foundation, prominent scientists such as L. S. Berg, N. M. Knipovich, I. N. Arnold, I. F. Pravdin, and others laid the foundation for Russian and global ichthyology within the laboratory and later at the institute. In 2015, GosNIORH was renamed in honor of an outstanding scientist and classic of global ichthyology, Lev S. Berg.