Presidential Library to tell about most popular children's magazine Murzilka
On January 23rd, 2025 at 13:00 Moscow time, a meeting with Irina Alekseevna Antonova, the editor-in-chief of the Murzilka magazine and children's author will be hosted as part of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture series.
The event will be conducted via teleconference from Moscow, St. Petersburg with Irina Antonova speaking from the Presidential Library's reserve center in Moscow. During her talk, she will discuss how Murzilka has become a phenomenon in children's periodicals.
Murzilka is the only children's magazine worldwide to be listed in the Guinness World Records for being the longest-running children's publication. It was first published on May 16th, 1924, and is aimed at readers of primary school age. Last year, it celebrated its centennial in a grand manner. Throughout its 100-year history, the beloved magazine has never missed an issue.
It has always been based on children's fiction: fairy tales, fairy tales, short stories, plays, poems. Over the years, Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, Samuel Marshak, Mikhail Prishvin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Valentin Berestov, Sergei Mikhalkov, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky and other famous writers have been published in the magazine.
On the Presidential Library's portal, electronic copies of issues of the Murzilka magazine for 1930-1932, 1934-1937, 1939, 1940, and 1942 are available.
The event is available for everyone. The meeting will be broadcasted on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live Broadcasts section, as well as on the Rutube-channel of the Library, on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.
Tthe meeting with the editor-in-chief of the Murzilka magazine will be held in Moscow by the adress: Slavyanskaya Sq., 4, b. 1.
In Saint-Petersburg the event will be broadcasted via video conferencing at Presidntial Library, located at Senate Square, 3.
Please confirm personal presence by phone (812) 305-16-21 (ext. 262) or with email to Anton Olegovich Druzhevsky until 12:00, January 21st.
The contact person from Presidntial Library is Anton Olegovich Druzhevsky.
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