Open lecture center was launched at the Presidential Library

17 November 2011

17 November 2011, on the eve of the 300th birthday anniversary of M. V. Lomonosov, the Presidential Library launched a video lecture center. The audience in the library as well as Internet users will have an opportunity to assist lectures of representatives of the leading academic and educational institutions of Russia.

The first lectures given in the multimedia hall were devoted to M. V. Lomonosov. According to the Director General Deputy for scientific activities K. N. Knyaginin, in future the library will host lectures devoted to various jubilee dates as well as lectures related to the subject areas of the Presidential Library.

Director of the Linguistic Research Institute under the Russian Academy of Science, academician N. N. Kazansky delivered a lecture “Lomonosov as a reformer of the Russian language”. Before his speech, he granted the Presidential Library with the newly reedited complete collected works of M. V. Lomonosov developed by the Institute employees.

The topic “Lomonosov as a statesman and public figure” was covered by professor of the St. Petersburg State University, Head of Scientific Publications of the Russian State Historical Archive, D. I. Raskin. The lecture “Lomonosov – our contemporary” was delivered by professor of the North (Arctic) Federal University, Doctor of Pedagogy T. S. Butorina (Archangelsk).

That day the audience was represented by senior high school students of St. Petersburg and the students of the N(A)FU who attended the event via the video conference. All those interested had an opportunity to join the audience: the portal of the Presidential Library provided the life broadcast. The addresses of the lecturers were recorded to be featured at the library’s website in video format.

The same day in the Presidential Library schoolchildren met with the author of popular science books for teenagers Yuri Nechiporenko who issued the “Tsars’ assistant: life and works of Mikhail Lomonosov” timed to the jubilee date. The writer offered to St. Petersburg schoolchildren a fascinating story about life and scientific achievements of the scholar. Illustrations for the book, made by painter E. N. Podkolzin, demonstrated on plasma panels, accompanied the author’s story.

The idea to create an open lecture center on the basis of the Presidential Library, suggested at one of the sessions of the library’s Academic Council, was supported by its members. In future, the Presidential Library plans to record a course of lectures by invited experts from the leading educational and academic institutions. Lectures will be devoted to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, history of the Russian statehood and Russian language.

Those interested in this subject may find video lectures on the Presidential Library’s portal and attend them on the day of recording after having addressed

To mark the anniversary of the great Russian scholar M. V. Lomonosov the Presidential Library launches the Exhibition “The State Intellect of Wide Range”. At the core of the exposition are rare editions, valuable archival documents and their electronic copies revealing the work of the academician seeking to bring the Fatherland to prosperity.

Some of the materials are available on the Presidential Library’s website featuring the collection “M. V. Lomonosov - 300th birthday anniversary” specially developed for the jubilee.