One day left until the results of the Interactive Olympiad are summed up

21 March 2012

21 March 2012, the Presidential Library is housing the third round of the “Russia in Electronic World” Interactive Olympiad for senior high school students on the Russian history and social science.

Finalists, senior high school students from different regions of Russia, are going to make a bibliographic search on history and social science, and to write a work on the proposed topics. The names of the winners will be announced on 22 March in a solemn atmosphere.

The results of the Olympiad will be summed up during the round table. Developers of the contest’s tasks and employees of the Presidential Library will share their experience in preparation and organization of the Olympiad, creation and distribution of multimedia projects; teachers of history and social science whose pupils have passed to the third round, will tell about their impressions.

Mass media representatives, invited to attend the round table, will tell about creation and producing of educational programs and projects. They will be joined by their Moscow colleagues through video conferencing. The round table participants will discuss a possibility of use of mass media resources at school lessons. Discussions will also concern the increasing role of remote training and the problems of its implementation.

Among the round table participants there also will be specialists in the field of remote education. Qualifying rounds of the Olympiad took place in the electronic environment so that even the students from remote Russian regions had an opportunity to take part in the contest. This format of the Olympiad facilitated the participation of handicapped high school students.

Totally this year the Olympiad’s portal has registered young people from eighty Russian regions. The number of contestants has reached about three thousand students.