The Presidential Library at the Legal Forum

15 May 2013

The Presidential Library - a national repository of documents on the history of Russian statehood, theory and practice of law and jurisprudence, will participate in the III International Legal Forum in St. Petersburg.

As part of the largest congress of the legal community, opening May 15, new projects aimed at improving legal awareness and education will be presented. The Presidential Library will present the creation of a virtual museum of the Constitution, which is formed in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation. It is planned that in the framework of the project, using electronic holdings of the Presidential Library, lessons of the fundamentals of the Constitution will be held. They will be made exciting for all students, from elementary grades. Thus, the website of the Presidential Library features in 3D-format a digital copy of the Constitution, used by Russian presidents while taking an oath. Users of the Presidential Library have the opportunity to examine in detail the exact copy of the document, read the text and see what one of the symbols of state power looks like.

Also, the website of the Presidential Library presents digital copies of the editions of the first Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1918, of three constitutions of the USSR (1924, 1936 and 1977) and their various editions; there are original texts and publications of the constitutions (charters) of the regions of the Russian Federation, the constitutions of the Soviet union and autonomous republics of various editions. Here, using historical documents and materials, one can learn the history of law, study drafts of the constitutions and consider the ideas of constitutional monarchy set up in the period before 1917 by outstanding jurists of the time.

During the Forum, 18-19 May 2013, the Presidential Library will host the all-Russian Congress of social science teachers, entitled "Constitutional and legal values of the formation of student’s personality." The event is also timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The Presidential Library will present at the congress its experience of organizing a competition in social science, "Russia in the Electronic World." Every year it brings together students from across the country, who answer questions on the library’s website, while the winners meet in the onsite round.

The congress will be attended by delegates from all regions of the Russian Federation, including the teachers - winners of professional competitions, as well as those who trained the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

The congress welcomes representatives of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, courts, federal executive authorities, leading national and international experts in the field of constitutional law.