IV Theoretical and Practical Conference “Cultural Heritage: Resources Integration in Digital Environment”

24 October 2013

October 23-24, 2013 the Presidential Library (3, Senate Square, St. Petersburg) will host the IV Theoretical and Practical Conference "Cultural Heritage: Resources Integration in Digital Environment."

The issue of the conference: methodological problems of integration of cultural heritage in the digital environment, federal and regional projects for development of digital collections of cultural heritage sites, use of modern information technology in the process of creating integrated digital resources; coordination and planning as the basis for the creation of modern digital libraries; providing access to digital resources on the websites of libraries, archives and museums.

- October 23 - panel discussion titled "Information environment of libraries, archives and museums: priority areas of development" with the participation of renowned experts; meeting of the heads of regional centers of access to the resources of the Presidential Library and other events;

- October 24 - final meeting to sum up the forum results.

The conference welcomes: experts from libraries, archives, museums, educational and research institutions, associations and organizations, as well as public authorities.

Registration: to participate in the conference please fill out an online form on the website of the Presidential Library. The deadline for the requests to attend or speak at the conference is October 15, 2013. The program of activities will be available on the website after its completion.

October 21 to 23, 2013, as part of the conference, the Presidential Library will host a training seminar on methods of cataloging digital copies of various types and kinds of resources. The workshop will consider the issues related to the formats of presentation of different data (from libraries, archives, museums), their compatibility and correlation in a single electronic catalog.

The conference events will be broadcast on the website of the library.

Participation is free. The organizers do not provide services in booking tickets and accommodation.

For more information please consult the website of the Presidential Library (www.prlib.ru) under "Conferences" or send a request to the organizing committee at: culturalheritage@prlib.ru.