Press conference of the Director General of the Presidential Library

9 December 2013

December 9, 2013 at 13:00 at the St. Petersburg regional information center ITAR-TASS (37, Shpalernaya str.) will be held a press conference of the Director General of the Presidential Library, Doctor of Law, Professor Alexander Pavlovich Vershinin.

The press conference topic is: "The Presidential Library: Development Strategy until 2020. Work for people and society."

At the press conference the results of the library’s work in 2013 will be presented, as well as new projects related to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution, the 70th anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, the Olympic Games in Sochi; the Director will tell about the upcoming celebration of the 5th anniversary of the library, proclaim the development strategy of the Presidential Library until 2020 which has been first discussed publicly. Besides, he will highlight regional and international policies, plans to participate in support of public events and other issues.

Reference information and accreditation of journalists for the press conference is available by calling: (812) 643-60-61, 62 (ext. 4158 ), e-mail:,