Urgent issues of legal regulation in the digital environment to be considered at the Presidential Library

15 April 2016

April 15, 2016 at 10.00, the Presidential Library (3, Senate Square, St. Petersburg) will host the VI International Theoretical and Practical Conference "Law and Information: Theory and Practice." The event will be broadcast on the Presidential Library website at www.prlib.ru under the "Live broadcasts."

The conference will be attended by representatives of public authorities, prosecutor's office, well-known scientists and experts, representatives of libraries and other organizations providing public access to information.

Questions of legal regulation in the digital environment require constant study and reflection. Conference participants will discuss topical issues relating to access to information in the digital environment, copyright and e-libraries, information and intellectual property rights, use of personal data, legal informatization and systematization of legislation, use of archival information through remote access, legal regulation of the electronic mass media, and many others. Following the conference, the collection of speeches will be published. The electronic version of the collection will be included in the bibliographic database of scientific publications of Russian scientists and will be distributed freely.

Electronic registration of participants is available until April 12, 2016 on the Presidential Library website at www.prlib.ru under the http://www.prlib.ru/lib/Pages/confdocs.aspx. There you can also find the materials of previous conferences.

More detailed information on the participation in the event is available at: +7 (812) 305-16-21, ext. 261


To cover the event at the Presidential Library journalists must accredit prior to 12:00 April 14, 2016.

Applications for accreditation should be sent in accordance with the form attached to:

the press service of the Presidential Library, Maria Perestoronina,
perestoronina@prlib.ru, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 781, mob. +7 (921) 099-97-52.

The attached form must include the media name, full name of the journalist, date and place of birth, full passport details (series, number, by whom and when issued), place of registration, the equipment to be used, contact phone numbers. Please note that all the fields of the form should be filled out!

Please remember, that the entrance to the Presidential Library for the media representatives is available through the entrance N 2 only upon showing the passports!