Shortly before the FIFA Confederations Cup, the Presidential Library will tell about the secrets of world-class sports
Public video lecturing on the theme of “World-class sports through the eyes of a journalist: experience of coverage of major competitions” from “Knowledge of Russia” series will take place on June 13, 2017, in the premises of the Presidential Library located on 3 Senate Square, St. Petersburg, Russia 190000. Timed to official opening of the FIFA Confederations Cup The event will begin at 11 am and will be aired online from the Presidential Library website.
Well-known sport journalist Konstantin Osipov will share on his experience with the guests of the video lecturing. A winner of the highest prize of the Ministry of Sport of Russia awarded for the sports journalism – “Medal of Nikolay Ozerov” - for more than thirty years tells fans about football, boxing, basketball, tennis from the pages of the major print media and TV screens. As an accredited journalist, Konstantin Osipov worked at main international competitions, including world championships. The books about sports such as “Nikolai Valuev. My 12 rounds,” “The stars of the Russian Olympic team,” “Strong in spirit” (“The stars of the Russian Paralympic team”) and much more came out from under his pen.
The students and the teachers of National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft, the College of Physical Education and Sport, Economics and Technology of St. Petersburg State University, the College of Olympic Reserve No. 1, the St. Petersburg Specialized School of Olympic Reserve № 2, and sports schools of St. Petersburg will participate in the event.
The media representatives’ accreditation is open until 3 pm on June 9, 2017.
Please email Alexandra Khudyakova in Press Service of the Presidential Library, phone (812) 305 1621, ext. 167, mobile: +7 (981) 788 2808, at media@prlib.ru, hudjakova@prlib.ru with your application for accreditation in the attached form.
Your application on the attached form must specify a media name, a full name of media representative, a date and a place of representative’s birth, full passport or picture id details (series, number, when and by what body it was issued, place of residence), a carry-on equipment (including notebooks and tablet computers), and the contact phone numbers.
Please be advised, that guests enter the Presidential Library through an entrance № 1, and the media representatives - through an entrance № 2 by the appointment only and without any exceptions upon presentment of passport or picture id.