Teacher of the Year 2017 in Russia gives an open lesson in the Presidential Library

20 November 2017

Shortly before the Constitution Day, an open Constitution Lesson, timed to the 250th anniversary of the convocation of the All-Russian Legislative Commission of 1767 will be held in the Presidential Library on November 20, 2017, at 2 pm MSK. The event will be a part of the “Public video lecturing — to school” project, aired live on the Presidential Library website under the Live Broadcast section.

An absolute winner of the “Teacher of the Year 2017 in Russia” All-Russian Competition, Adviser to the Minister of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the University-preparatory School № 116 of Primorsky District of St. Petersburg, instructor of History, Law and Social Science Ilya Demakov will teach the open lesson.

The participants of the event will learn the details about the work of the Commission of 1767 and its connection with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, they will get a chance to get familiar with rare documents from the Presidential Library stock, such as the Nakaz or Instruction of Catherine the Great and an extract from the Council Code of the XVII century. Also, in the course of the lesson, the importance of the Instruction in the history of constitutional legislation in Russia and a need for systematization and updating of the legislative base in the second half of the XVIII century will be considered, based on the history of the trial of the famous Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov. In addition, other important topics on the history of constitutional ideas in Russia will be reviewed.

Apart from the above mentioned documents on this subject on the website, the Presidential Library suggests visiting Electronic Museum of the Constitutional History of Russia, see the Constitution — Basic Law electronic collections, which include the texts of the constitutions of the Russian State from the different historical epochs, Legal state in Russia. History and Modern times, including selected materials on the formation of state or constitutional law in Russia, and much more.

St. Petersburg school students of 10th grades participate in the event, the school students of the institutions of general educational in the Tyumen Oblast — in video-conferencing mode. Some institutions in the region will join the lesson in a dialogue with the teacher format.


The media representatives’ accreditation is open until 9 am on November 20, 2017.

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