A conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of an outstanding legal scholar Leon Petrazycki in the Presidential Library
December 15, 2017, will be a closing of “The creative heritage of Leon Petrazycki (on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth)” International Scientific Conference in the Presidential Library. The event starts at 9:30 am. The conference will open on December 14 at St. Petersburg State University — the co-organizer of this event together with the Presidential Library.
Leon Iosifovich Petrazycki is an outstanding legal theorist of the XX century, whose work in the fields of jurisprudence, sociology, psychology, logic, methodology of science received world recognition. Today his works are perceived as anticipating certain areas of today’s law. Moreover, the St. Petersburg school of law philosophy, as a unique phenomenon in the development of legal thought, is built and associated with the name of Leon Petrazycki and his learning.
The creative heritage of Leon Petrazycki and the representatives of his school is a subject of many years’ research work by the scientists in Russia and abroad. So, the conference, which will take place in the Presidential Library, will bring together participants from the countries around the world: Russia, Poland, the United States, Italy, Serbia and others. Several presentations of collective monographs prepared by research teams in Russia and the United States for the anniversary of Leon Petrazycki are in the agenda of the conference. Among the presented editions: “Leon Petrazycki. On complementary cultural trends and law governing trade development” and “The living legacy of Leon Petrazycki: his contribution into the social sciences.” Also, Julia Stanek from Poland will introduce at the conference her book entitled “Russian legal realism”.
A chose of a venue for this conference is not a coincidence. One of the focal areas of the Presidential Library is the formation of a nationwide electronic cluster of digital sources on the centuries-old history of Russian statehood, theory and practice of law and the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation.
In the course of the conference, timed to the subject of the event publications will be handed over to the Presidential Library.
Dedicated to Leon Petrazycki multimedia exhibition will also open this day in the Presidential Library. The exhibition is based on the materials from the Presidential Library stock, in which a special place belongs to the creative heritage of Leon Petrazycki. Paperback publications, scientific journalism of the late XIX — the early XX century, research works on the practice of Leon Petrazycki and some other editions will be featured.
The media accreditation is must and is open until 12 pm on December 14, 2017.
Please, email Alla Ratnikova with your application for accreditation in the attached form with “The media accreditation” note in the subject line: ratnikova@prlib.ru; phone: +7 (953) 370 3810.
Your application on the attached form must specify a media name, a full name of media representative, a date and a place of the representative’s birth, full passport or picture id details (series, number, when and by what body it was issued, place of residence), a carry-on equipment (including notebooks and tablet computers), and the contact phone numbers.
Please be advised, that the event participants and guests enter the Presidential Library through the entrance № 1, and the media representatives — through the entrance № 2 by appointment only and without any exceptions upon presentment of passport or picture id.