Unique publications from the first Russian round-the-world trip of I. F. Krusenstern - at the Presidential Library new exhibition
March 5, 2018, at 14:00 pm the Presidential Library will host the grand opening of the exhibition "The Way Not Experienced by the Russians Before": to the 215th anniversary of the beginning of the first Russian round-the-world expedition". The exposition, elaborated jointly with the Central Naval Library, will tell about the world tour of I. F. Krusenstern and Y. F. Lisyansky, as well as the history of the development of interstate relations between Russia and Japan in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
The exhibition will feature unique books bought by Krusenstern at various times in expeditions, some of which he later took with him to the round-the-world voyage on the sloop "Nadezhda". Now these editions form the personal library of I. F. Krusenstern and are stored in the CNLIB. One of the rarities of this collection is the "Atlas to travel around the world of Captain Krusenstern" in 1813 with maps and drawings created by crew members during the first Russian round-the-world trip.
Documents from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Library collections will tell about the history of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Empire and the Land of the Rising Sun during the XVIII-XIX centuries. Thus, the exhibition will feature the first diplomatic agreement between Russia and Japan - the Simodsk Treaty, which first established a border between the countries, trade relations and proclaimed "a permanent peace and sincere friendship".
The partners of the exhibition were the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the M. Gorky Scientific Library of the Saint-Petersburg State University and the Central Naval Museum.
The exhibition will run until August 20, 2018. To visit the exposition, please, pre-register by phone (812) 334-25-14 or send an email to: excursion@prlib.ru.
Accreditation for media representatives is available until 13:00, March 2, 2018.
Applications for accreditation should be sent in the attached form with the note "Media Accreditation" to e-mail addresses: media@prlib.ru, hudjakova@prlib.ru Alexandra Khudyakova, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob.: +7 981 788-28-08.
The letter should indicate the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), list of equipment carried by the phone, contact numbers, name of the media.
Please, note, that the entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only upon prior request and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance № 1, representatives of the media go through entrance № 2.