Гидрология естественных русловых потоков (рек, временных и малых водотоков)
Материалы по теме
On the approval of the rules for the use of water resources of the pioneer reservoir on the river.Pioneer
Russian Federation.Federal Agency for Water Resources.On the approval of the rules for the use of water resources of the pioneer reservoir on the river.Pioneer.Moscow, 2017.
A brief description of the investigation of the Kama River from the city of Dedyukhin to the confluence of the river. The Volga, produced by Kamsky, was described by the party in 1879-1882. under the command of engineer A. Lipin
A brief description of the investigation of the Kama River from the city of Dedyukhin to the confluence of the river. The Volga, produced by Kamsky, was described by the party in 1879-1882. under the command of engineer A. Lipin. St. Petersburg: type. R. Golike, 1887. |
A brief description of the study of the Angara River, produced by the Angara Descriptive Party in 1887-1889. under the command of engineer. M.Cherncova
Russia. Ministry of Railways
A brief description of the study of the Angara River, produced by the Angara Descriptive Party in 1887-1889. under the command of engineer. M. Cherntsova. St. Petersburg: Type. br. Panteleevykh, 1894. |
Kara expedition
Vasiliev, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1889-1965). Kara expedition. [Moscow]: Editorial staff of the editions of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, 1921. |
Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. T. 29, No. 4. On fluctuations in the level of soil water in St. Petersburg
Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1867-1916. T. 29, No. 4: On fluctuations in the level of soil water in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1895. |