

Материалы по теме

Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. T. 29, No. 3. Meteorological agricultural observations in Russia in 1892 and 1893.

Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1867-1916. Film Voeikov, Alexander Ivanovich (1842-1916). T. 29, No. 3: Meteorological agricultural observations in Russia in 1892 and 1893.1895

Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. T. 25, No. 4. Meteorological agricultural observations in Russia in 1890 and 1891.

Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1867-1916. Film Voeikov, Alexander Ivanovich (1842-1916). T. 25, No. 4: Meteorological agricultural observations in Russia in 1890 and 1891.1893

Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. T. 22, No. 4. Meteorological agricultural observations in Russia in 1888 and 1889.

Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1867-1916. Film Voeikov, Alexander Ivanovich (1842-1916). Т. 22, № 4: Meteorological agricultural observations in Russia in 1888 and 1889. 1892.
