Историческая геология
Материалы по теме
The list of minerals of the Yakut region, presented in the collection of Yakutsk [wow] of the city museum, indicating their deposits
The list of minerals of the Yakut region, presented in the collection of Yakutsk [wow] of the city museum, indicating their deposits.1910.
Collection in honor of the twenty -five scientific activity of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
A collection in honor of the twenty -five scientific activity of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.1914.
Experience of descriptive mineralogy.T. 1. Naogenny elements
Vernadsky.V.I. Polyus of descriptive mineralogy.T. 1: Nun elements.1909.
Experience of descriptive mineralogy.T. 1. Naogenny elements
Vernadsky.V.I. Polyus of descriptive mineralogy.T. 1: Nun elements.1908.
About isomeria in the group of alumino- and ferrilicates
Vernadsky, V.I.O of isomeria in the group of alumino- and ferrilicates.St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1909.
On the mineralogy of Altai: augmented a test lecture, read January 15, 1908 at Moscow University
On the mineralogy of Altai: augmented a test lecture, read January 15, 1908 at Moscow University. 1908. |
A brief physical and topographical description of the Taurida region, compiled in French by Peter Pallas, statistic adviser, the Academy of Sciences member, the Order of St. Vladimir by the Cavalier, and translated by Ivan Rigski
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). A brief physical and topographical description of the Taurian region, compiled in French by Peter Pallas, statistic adviser, the Academy of Sciences member, the Order of St. Vladimir by the Cavalier, and translated by Ivan of Riga. |