Материалы по теме
Proceedings of the Zoological section of the Central Siberian Geographic Society. Issue. 1. Zoological collection
Proceedings of the Zoological section of the Central Siberian Geographic Society. Krasnoyarsk, 1930. Issue. 1: Zoological collection. 1930. |
Proceedings of the Aral-Caspian expedition. Issue. 2. The Caspian Sea and its fauna
Aral-Caspian expedition. 1874. (1874). Proceedings of the Aral-Caspian expedition. St. Petersburg: printing house t-va "Public benefit", 1875-1915. Вып. 2: The Caspian Sea and its fauna. 1877. |
Natural resources of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.T. 1. Vegetation of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
Natural resources of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1941;Leningrad.Krasheninnikov, Ippolit Mikhailovich.T. 1: Vegetation of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.1941.
Natural monuments of Tula region
Monuments of nature of the Tula region. Moscow: ECO Strategy, 2016. |
Pallas as a zoologist // Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. T. 41
Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. Odessa: "Commercial Printing House" BI Sapozhnikova, 1916. Lignau, Nikolay Georgievich (1873-1940). Pallas as a zoologist. |
PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to v
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to various provinces of the Russian Empire. Part 1: [In the years 1768 and 1769]. |
PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to v
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to various provinces of the Russian Empire. Ch. 2, the book. 2: 1770 year. |
Description of the collection of post -ret mammals collected by the Novo-Siberian forwardsia of 1885-1886.
Description of the collection of post -ret mammals collected by the Novo-Siberian forwardsia of 1885-1886. 1891.
Mongolia and the country of Tangut. T. 2. [On the climate. Birds
Przhevalsky. Nikolai Mikhailovich. traveler, geographer. 1839-1888. Mongolia and the country of Tangut. St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, 1875-1876. T. 2: [On the climate; Birds. 1876. |
Materials. Issue. 7. To the knowledge of the Solovetsky fauna
Solovki Society of Local History. Materials. Solovki: Publication of the Bureau of Printing USTON, 1926-1929. Film Zakhvatkin, Alexey Alekseevich (1905-1950). Issue. 7: To know the fauna of the Solovetsky Islands. 1927. |