Технология производства оборудования отраслевого назначения
Материалы по теме
The art of the Southern Urals in the context of the industrial culture of the twentieth century
The art industry of the Southern Urals in the context of the industrial culture of the twentieth century.2015.
Third Annual Festival "Day of the Bracket", September 28, 2013, Pskov
Third annual festival "Day of the Brackets", September 28, 2013, Pskov. 2013. |
Compared with the cast gold
Nazin, Sergey S. (1958-).Compare with gold iron.Moscow: Interbuk business, [2009].
Explanatory note to the detailed design of service-fire water supply of the city of Omsk
"Neptune", a partnership of engineers NP Zimin and K ° (Moscow).Explanatory note to the detailed design of service-fire water supply of the city of Omsk.[Omsk 1911].
Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On Paid Labour and Horse Transport Duty for Defensive Construction in Bialystok and Brest Regions of the BSSR"
Ф. Р-5446. Постановление СНК СССР и ЦК ВКП(б) "О платной трудовой и гужевой повинности по оборонительному строительству в Белостокской и Брестской областях БССР". |
Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On Measures to Improve the Local Air Defence of the Cities of Baku, Kiev, Lvov, Minsk, Riga, Kaunas, Tallinn, Vilnius, Chernivtsi, Chisinau, Bialystok, Batumi and Tuapse"
Ф. Р-5446. Постановление СНК СССР "О мероприятиях по улучшению местной противовоздушной обороны городов Баку, Киева, Львова, Минска, Риги, Каунаса, Таллина, Вильнюса, Черновицы, Кишинева, Белостока, Батуми и Туапсе". |
The case of the privilege of the merchant is aless for cooking in Russia invented artificial legs
Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of the privilege of the merchant is aless for cooking in Russia invented artificial legs.
The case of the privilege of the college assessor Kandalintsev on a self -setting crane.N. 15.10.;K. 03.12.1831
The case of the privilege of the college assessor Kandalintsev on a self -setting crane.N. 15.10.;K. 12/03/1831 ,1831.
The case of the privilege of the college Assoror Shishkov at the device for hot washing of beets invented
Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of the privilege of the College Assoresor of Shishkov on the device for hot flushing of beets invented by them.
The case of issuing a 10-year-old privilege to the college ascape of Ima and the college adviser to Novoselsky on the hydraulic press invented by them
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of dismissing the lawpower of the 1st Arkhangelsk Parish School, the priest F.D.Ivanova, and the production of his pension and the appointment of this pension since 1855 - his widow.1852-1855.