Навигация и лоция

Навигация и лоция

Материалы по теме

Lotsiya of the coasts of the RSFSR of the Okhotsk Sea and the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula with the Karaginsky Island inclusive

Davydov, Boris Vladimirovich (1884-1925). Lotsiya of the coasts of the RSFSR of the Okhotsk Sea and the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula with the Karaginsky Island inclusive. Vladivostok: Упр. to ensure the safety of navigation Dahl. East, 1923.

The logocation of the Gibraltar Strait and the Mediterranean Sea, containing the shores of Spain, France and Italy;Islands of Balearic, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Maltic;Adriatic Sea;Coast of Karamania, Syria and Africa, with a description of beacons and tables of lard and longitude

The logocation of the Gibraltar Strait and the Mediterranean Sea, containing the shores of Spain, France and Italy;Islands of Balearic, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Maltic;Adriatic Sea;The shores of Karamania, Syria and Africa, with the description of the beacons and the tables of the latitudes and the longitude of the main points.Nikolaev: Type.Chernomor.Hydrogr.Depot, 1846.

II. Addition to the Description of Beacons and Signs on the Swedish Shore, compiled at the Hydrographic Department of the Naval Ministry for 1865 and replenished to the month of April 1866

II. Addition to the Description of Beacons and Signs on the Swedish Shore, compiled under the Hydrographic Department of the Naval Ministry for 1865 and replenished to the month of April 1866. St. Petersburg: Type. Mor. m-va, 1866.

II Addition to the description of beacons and signs along the Norwegian coast, drawn up at the Naval Hydrographic Department of the Ministry with the Russian pilotage notes for the month of April 1866

II Addition to the description of beacons and signs along the Norwegian coast, drawn up at the Naval Hydrographic Department of the Ministry with the Russian pilotage notes for the month of April 1866.St. Petersburg: Printing printed in the Naval Ministry, the Main Admiralty 1866.
