История космонавтики. Летчики-космонавты
Материалы по теме
International Space Station - orbital construction of the century
Gerasyutin, Sergei Alexandrovich (1953-). The International Space Station is the orbital construction of the century. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016. |
Medal "Russia - Homeland of Cosmonautics"
Medal "Russia - Homeland of Cosmonautics". |
Medal "The world's first manned flight into space April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin"
Medal "The world's first flight of man into space April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin." |

Medal "The world's first manned flight into space April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin"
Medal "The world's first flight of man into space April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin." |
Medal "Reusable space ship Buran"
Medal "Reusable space ship Buran". |
Medal "The space shuttle of reusable use" Buran "
Medal "The space shuttle of reusable use" Buran ". |
Medal "KE Tsiolkovsky: 150 years"
Medal "KE Tsiolkovsky, 150 years old". |
Medal "Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR"
Medal "Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR". |
Medal "Long-duration space flights of Soviet cosmonauts V. Lyakhov, L. Popov, 6 months and V. Ryumin - 1 year in the Salyut-Soyuz-Progress spacecraft complex 1979-1980 with international crews"
Medal "Long-duration space flights of Soviet cosmonauts V. Lyakhov, L. Popov, for 6 months and V. Ryumin - 1 year on the Salyut-Soyuz-Progress spacecraft, 1979-1980 with international crews." |