Сельскохозяйственная биология (агробиология)
Материалы по теме
Environmental and economic justification for the choice of technologies for reclamation of land polluted by oil
Apula, OKPU year.Ecological and economic justification for the choice of technologies for reclamation of land polluted by oil.Moscow, 2019.
Telegrams about sending a report on the experiments and works of Michurina
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Telegrams about sending a report on the experiments and works of Michurin.
On the appropriation of funds for nurseries Michurin
The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).About the appropriation of funds for nurseries Michurin.
Results of sixty years of work
Michurin, I.V. Prime for sixty-year-old works.Moscow: Oziz - State.Publishing house S.-H.lit., 1949.