Машины для уборки и обработки урожая. Комбайны Сеноуборочные, силосозаготовительные, зерноуборочные и другие машины и оборудование.
Материалы по теме
By the right of the retired college assessor I. N. Livchaka on issuing a subsidy for the construction of the harvested machines, rifle and steam appliances invented
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).By the question of the retired college assessor I. N. Livchaka on issuing a subsidy to the construction of the rifle and engine devices invented by him.
The case of the issuance of a 5-year-old privilege of a freely published peasant Minsk province, Osipu Yakushika, on an invented harvest car
Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of the issuance of a 5-year-old privilege of the Flawful Peasant Minsk Province, Osipa Yakushika, on an invented routine car.
Pressing machine for sine
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Pressoval'nyi stanok dlia siena. [1915]. |