История социологии
Материалы по теме
The theory of creative altruism P. Sorokin: genesis and methodological problems
Dolgov Aleksandr Yurevich.The theory of creative altruism P. Sorokin: genesis and methodological problems.Moscow 2015.
Sociological views of V.V.Bervi-Fleerovsky on the way of the transition of Russian society to a new social system
Sociological views of V.V.Bervi-Fleerovsky on the way of the transition of Russian society to a new social system.2012.
Russian society in the present and future
Fadeev, Rostislav Andreevich (1824-1883). Russian society in the present and the future. Category: Sankt Petersburg. t-va "Public benefit", 1874. |
The role of public opinion in public life
Holtsendorf, Franz (Baron von, 1829-1889).
The role of public opinion in public life. St. Petersburg: Type. Dr. MA Khan, 1881. |
The process of professional socialization of Russian sociologists
The process of professional socialization of Russian sociologists.2012.
... Crime and punishment, feat and reward
Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich (1889-1968). Crime and punishment, feat and reward. St. Petersburg: Ya.G. Dolbyshev, 1914. |
Political ideas of P. A. Sorokin in the Russian period of work
Ionov, Boris Alexandrovich.Political ideas of P. A. Sorokin in the Russian period of work.Moscow, 2012.
P.A. Sorokin and the Present
Kuzivanova, Olga Yuryevna (1964 -). P.A. Sorokin and the Present. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018. |
New ideas in sociology. Sat. 3. What is progress?
New ideas in sociology. St. Petersburg: Education, 1913-1914. Sat. 3: What is progress ?. 1914. |
N.I. Kareev as a historian of Russian sociologists
N.I. Kareev as a historian of Russian sociologists.2010.