Социальные и социокультурные изменения, процессы и состояния
Материалы по теме
Humor as a subject of socio-philosophical analysis
Humor as a subject of socio-philosophical analysis.2014.
Ethnocultural socialization of youth in the activities of public associations
Pavlichenko, Anatoly Anatolyevich.Ethnocultural socialization of youth in the activities of public associations.Grozny, 2021.
Ethnic diversity in the socio-cultural dynamics of Russia
Erokhina, Elena Anatolievna (Doctor of Philosophy). Ethnic diversity in the socio-cultural dynamics of Russia. Krasnoyarsk, 2016. |
Ethnic organizations of Moscow and the Moscow Region in the 1920s-the first half of the 1930s.There is no BO
Ethnic organizations of Moscow and the Moscow Region in the 1920s-the first half of the 1930s.There is no BO.2018.
Ethnic identity as a basis for the formation of institutions of ethnic identity in Altai Republic
Blagovskaja, Eugenia Vasilievna. Ethnic identity as a basis for the formation of institutions of ethnic identity in the Altai Republic. Chita, 2013. |
Ethnic identity and mentality of Russians in the conditions of the national regions of Siberia
Mongush, Salbak Oner-oolovna. Ethnic identity and mentality of Russians in the conditions of the national regions of Siberia. Ulan-Ude, 2010. |
Ethnic identification of Buryat immigrants from the PRC in Russian society
Baldohonov, Sergey Nikolaevich. Ethnic identification of Buryat immigrants from the PRC in Russian society. Ulan-Ude, 2011. |
Electronic interaction of labor subjects and directly related relations: legal aspect
Tumanov, Alexander Alexandrovich.Electronic interaction of the subjects of labor and directly related relations: the legal aspect.Yekaterinburg: [b.I.], 2018.
Economic crimes committed in cyberspace, and countermeasures against them
Prostervers, Mikhail Alexandrovich. Economic crimes committed in cyberspace, and measures to counter them. Moscow, 2016. |
Existential security of the individual in the conditions of network wars
Balaev, Rasul Smaleovic. Existential security of the individual in the conditions of network wars. Stavropol, 2016. |