Общественное мнение
Материалы по теме
Freedom of public opinion as a constitutional and legal category
Freedom of public opinion as a constitutional and legal category.2016.
Political and technological aspects of the formation of public opinion in a military-political crisis
Vatutin, Alexey Nikolaevich. Political and technological aspects of the formation of public opinion in a military-political crisis. Pyatigorsk, 2013. |
Features of the formation of the image of Russia in China's Internet media (news comics)
Vetlugina, Anna Yuryevna. Features of the formation of the image of Russia in the Internet media of China (news comics). Moscow, 2016. |
Features of mental representation of the image of a volunteer in the representations of student youth
Zvezdina, Ekaterina Yurievna (candidate of psychological sciences). Features of the mental representation of the image of the volunteer in the representations of student youth. Rostov-on-Don, 2017. |
Peculiarities of PRC image in Russian-language print-network media of China
Du Tsuanbo. Features of the PRC image in the Russian-language print-network media of China. Moscow, 2017. |
Public opinion of Russia and Japan on the development of nuclear energy: sociological analysis
Dronishinets, Andrey Nikolaevich.Public opinion of Russia and Japan on the development of nuclear energy: sociological analysis.Yekaterinburg, 2008.
Images of Russian regions in the cultural space of Russia in the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries.
Rutsinskaya, Irina Ilinichna. Images of Russian regions in the cultural space of Russia in the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries. Moscow, 2012. |
Images of a retired dignitary: S.Yu. Witte and public opinion
Saginadze, Ella Otarovna. Images of a retired dignitary: S.Yu. Witte and public opinion. St. Petersburg, 2013. |
The image of Russia in modern China
Ten, Natalya Viktorovna. The image of Russia in modern China. Moscow, 2012. |
The image of the Jordanian Khashimtsky Kingdom in the media of Russia (2015-2019)
Ashur Hai Yusef Jamil.The image of the Jordanian Khashimtsky kingdom in the media of Russia (2015-2019).Moscow, 2021.