Материалы по теме
Statistical Essays of Kazan Province
Vecheslav, Nikolay Nikolaevich Statistical essays of the Kazan province. The Kazan: type. Lips. 1879. |
Statistical data on the resettlement case collected by State Secretary Kulomzin on a trip to Siberia in 1896
Statistical data on the resettlement case collected by State Secretary Kulomzin on a trip to Siberia in 1896. St. Petersburg. : [b. and.], 1897. |
Statistical note on Moscow
Androsov, Vasily Petrovich (1803-1841).
Statistical note on Moscow. Moscow: To the type. The seeds of Selivanovsky, 1832. |
The formation of statistics in the Russian province: the middle of the XIX century - 1917
Bondareva, Galina Aleksandrovna (candidate of historical sciences). The formation of statistics in the Russian province: the middle of the XIX century - 1917 Kursk, 2012. |
Formation and development of Zemstvo statistics in Saratov province (1882-1914).
Kiseleva, Ekaterina Sergeevna (candidate of historical sciences). Formation and development of zemstvo statistics in the Saratov province (1882-1914). Saratov, 2012. |
Formation and development of Zemstvo statistics in the Volga region
Lyovin, Sergey Vladimirovich. Formation and development of zemstvo statistics in the Volga region. Saratov, 2015. |
List of correspondents of the Tobolsk Provincial Statistical Committee
Tobolsk provincial statistical committee. List of correspondents Tobolsk provincial statistical committee. [Tobolsk], [1902]. |
Collection and development of statistical information on book publishing and periodicals in Russia
Lisovsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1854-1920).
Collection and development of statistical information on book publishing and periodicals in Russia. St. Petersburg: "Vladimirskaya" steam typo-liter., 1896. |
Collection of statistical data on the Province of Livonia
Collection of statistical data on the Province of Livonia. Hotel Riga: Pecs. in Lifl. lips. type., 1886. |
A collection of statistical information on Russia, published by the Statistical Office of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Book 3, published under the editorship of VP Bezobrazova, d. Imper. Rus. geogr. Society.
A collection of statistical information on Russia, published by the Statistical Office of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. St. Petersburg: in the Printing Office of the Naval Ministry, 1851-1858. Book 3, published under the editorship of VP Bezobrazova, dr. Imper. Rus. geogr. Society: Book 3, edited by V. P. Bezobrazov, d. Imper. Rus. geogr. total.1858. |