Материалы по теме
Features of the organization and work of administrative statistics in the Altai District at the end of the XIX century (based on archival material) //.State reforms M. M. Speransky in the historical perspective
Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).Features of the organization and work of administrative statistics in the Altai district at the end of the XIX century (based on archival material).
Organization of work and preparation of statistics in Altai at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries.//.Altai village: history, modern condition, problems and prospects
Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).Organization of work and preparation of statistics in Altai at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries.
Responsibilities of "indispensable" members of statistical committees under the Regulation of 1860 (based on Western Siberia) // World of Science, Culture, Education.2015, № 5 (54)
World of science, culture, education.Gorno-Altaisk, 2007-.Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).Responsibilities of "indispensable" members of statistical committees under the provision of 1860 (based on Western Siberia).
Regulatory regulation of financial support of regional statistical accounting centers in the XIX century.(According to Western Siberia) // World of Science, Culture, Education.2015, № 4 (53)
World of science, culture, education.Gorno-Altaisk, 2007-.Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).Regulatory regulation of financial support of regional statistical accounting centers in the XIX century.(According to Western Siberia).
The most important statistical information about foreigners of Eastern Russia and Western Siberia, subject to the influence of Islam
The most important statistical information about foreigners of Eastern Russia and Western Siberia, subject to the influence of Islam. The Kazan: type. Lips. reval., 1912. |
Taube, Mikhail Ferdinandovich (1855-).
Bibliology. Kharkov: type. "Peace Work", 1911. |
Map of volosts of the Irkutsk province // Statistics of the Russian Empire. 27: Volosts and populated areas in 1893
Statistics of the Russian Empire. Map of volosts of Irkutsk province. St. Petersburg: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1887-1918. |
Results of several meetings on Zemstvo statistics
Fortunatov, Alexei Fedorovich (1856-1925).
Results of several meetings on zemstvo statistics. [St. Petersburg: type. V. Demakova, 1900]. |
The history of statistical accounting and statistical institutions of Western Siberia in the XIX - early XX centuries.
Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).The history of statistical accounting and statistical institutions of Western Siberia in the XIX - early XX centuries of Barnaul: Altgpa, 2012.
History of statistical institutions of Western Siberia and the Steppe region in the XIX - early XX century
Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).The history of statistical institutions of Western Siberia and the Steppe region in the XIX - early XX century.Barnaul: Altai State Pedagogical University, 2015.