Древний Восток

Древний Восток

Материалы по теме

The experience of the interpretation of gieroglyphs and inscriptions located on some ancient coins, published in Latin by the court adviser, the teacher’s seminary as director and royal Getting scholars of society by the correspondent Ivan Koch;And to Russia

Koch, Ivan.The experience of the interpretation of gieroglyphs and inscriptions located on some ancient coins, published in Latin by the court adviser, the teacher’s seminary as director and royal Getting scholars of society by the correspondent Ivan Koch;And into the Russian language translated by the college assessor Evgeny Syreshchikov.St. Petersburg: imp.Type., 1788.

Barnawa Brissonia, Glavnago in Paris Senator, about the Garden of Kingdom.Part 3. On the Military Catering of Persian State

Brisson.Barnaba.1531-1591.Barnabas Brissonius, the main in Paris of the Senator, about the Persian kingdom.In Moscow: in the university printing house by N. Novikov, 1781.Part 3: On the military affairs of the Persian state.1781.

Barnawa Brissonia, Glavnago in Paris Senator, about the Garden of Kingdom.Part 2. On worship, laws and customs

Brisson.Barnaba.1531-1591.Barnabas Brissonius, the main in Paris of the Senator, about the Persian kingdom.In Moscow: in the university printing house by N. Novikov, 1781.Part 2: On worship, laws and customs of Peresky.1781.

Barnabas Brissonius, the main in Paris of the Senator, about the Persian kingdom.Part 1. About Tsarist Majesty, and the staff of the court of Persian

Brisson.Barnaba.1531-1591.Barnabas Brissonius, the main in Paris of the Senator, about the Persian kingdom.In Moscow: in the university printing house by N. Novikov, 1781.Part 1: About Tsarist Majesty, and the staff of the court of Persian.1781.